There was another assassination attempt on President Donald Trump, yet the U.S. Secret Service still has not provided answers to the attempt made in Butler, Pennsylvania.
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Looking back at the July 30th hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Acting Director Ronald Rowe ducked numerous questions. This is a good time to revisit those asked by Senator Ted Cruz.
CRUZ: The spokesman for the Secret Service said the claim that President Trump’s detail made multiple requests for additional resources before the assassination attempt was false. “Was this statement accurate?”
ROWE: “With respect to Butler, Pennsylvania, it is accurate, sir.”
Note that he didn’t answer Cruz’s question but changed it to be about Butler, PA specifically in a sleight of hand.
CRUZ: How many requests were made by the Trump detail?
ROWE: “I can get you that number.”
He had two weeks to gather information before the hearing but didn’t know or wouldn’t say how many requests were made.
CRUZ: Did you approve the spokesman’s statement before it went out?
ROWE: “I don’t know if I did or didn’t, Senator.”
He didn’t know? Really?
CRUZ: “Will you commit to provide this committee in writing every written request for additional resources from the Trump campaign or the Trump detail and every response from Secret Service?”
ROWE. “Senator, I will commit to providing responses and getting you the information that you are seeking.
Sadly, he didn’t say how long it would take.
CRUZ: “Who makes the decision to deny those requests? Did you make those decisions? … Is there a decision maker?”
ROWE: “Senator, it’s a conversation. It’s not just an absolute yay or nay.”
He dodged the question again.
CRUZ: “Did the same person who denied the request for additional security to President Trump also repeatedly deny the request for security to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.? … It’s a yes or no question.”
ROWE: “Senator, that is not a yes or no question. There is a process for a candidate nominee to receive protection …”
He dodged again.
CRUZ: What was the relative size of the Trump detail compared to the detail assigned to the president?
ROWE: “Senator, the former president travels with a full shift just like the president … The agents surrounding him, it is the same number of agents surrounding the president today.”
This is another sleight of hand. He changed the question to be about the number of agents in the close perimeter surrounding President Trump, so he could answer in the affirmative and trick the Committee and the American people.
We all know now that the protection is not the same, and it’s why another would-be assassin was able to get close to President Trump this past weekend.
Senator Cruz was asked this week what responses he received to his questions, which the Acting Director promised.
“Nothing. Nothing whatsoever,” Cruz said. “He provided absolutely nothing. I asked the Secret Service in writing. They have not responded to my questions in writing. I assume they will do it sometime in the next century.”