Sam Brown's Mission
He proved his commitment to our Constitution in Afghanistan. Now he wants to do it in Washington.
Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sam Brown is a rarity in American politics: a leader conservatives can trust.
You see, Sam Brown’s patriotism, principles, and heart have already been tested by challenges more daunting than the media or the Washington Establishment.
Brown was just three years out of West Point when he survived an IED attack in Afghanistan that burned 30 percent of his body.
As physically and emotionally painful as his wounds and recovery were, Sam never lost hope. Instead, he found it — in gratitude for the life God had saved for him and the country he could still serve.
Sam retired as a captain from the U.S. Army, got married, and started a business supplying emergency medicines to VA hospitals and clinics. But even as his business and young family grew, he saw what was happening to America, so he reported for duty once again to run for public office.
Sam is running for the Senate in Nevada as a principled, fighting conservative. He proved his commitment to our Constitution in Afghanistan — now he wants to do it in Washington.
He’s running against liberal incumbent Democrat Jacky Rosen, one of the most progressive members of the U.S. Senate.
Rosen cast the deciding vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s Inflation “Reduction” Act, whose billions in new debt made prices jump even higher! She is an abortion absolutist, a gun-grabber, an anti-domestic-energy extremist, and supported the Left’s partisan election takeover scheme.
Sam Brown is not just another Republican. He’s a patriot, a principled conservative, and a genuine hero who has earned our trust and support.
Senate Conservatives Fund is proud to endorse Sam for the U.S. Senate. We are also proud to help him flip Jacky Rosen’s seat from blue to red — from a radical leftist Senator to a principled conservative one.
Support Sam Brown’s grassroots campaign today.
Sam is running on the issues that matter most: defending the Constitution and election integrity, ending Bidenflation, classroom indoctrination, and the border crisis, and finally taking on Big Tech.
This is Sam’s mission now — and ours.
He’s running because he knows we can’t wait and hope someone else saves America from the corrupt, woke elite.
We have to do it.