Rand Paul Follows the Science
Senator Paul has methodically fact-checked Fauci’s public statements
Anthony Fauci is a fraud.
We did not know this in 2020 when Fauci and his cronies shut down the country. We know it now. And the biggest reason why we know is Senator Rand Paul (R-KY).
Since the pandemic first hit our shores, Senator Paul has calmly, methodically fact-checked Fauci’s public statements and questioned the “science” he insisted was behind his recommendations.
At every turn, the media attacked the Kentucky conservative. And at every turn, he was right.
This is the difference real leadership makes — and it’s why the Senate Conservatives Fund exists.
Throughout the lockdowns, most politicians in both parties shrugged and followed whatever Fauci said. However, as he showed again during yet another explosive hearing on Capitol Hill, Rand Paul is not like most politicians.
Look what we’ve learned thanks to Senator Paul’s dogged pursuit of the truth:
Fauci knew about the gain-of-function research going on at the Wuhan coronavirus lab.
Fauci knew U.S. taxpayers were funding the research.
Knowing all this, Fauci led a conspiracy of scientists and journalists to hide Covid’s true origins.
There was “no science” behind the six-foot social distancing rule imposed on Americans for over a year.
There was “no science” behind masking children at all.
Never forget: Covid-19 did not wreck the U.S. economy in 2020 — government fear-mongering did. And Dr. Anthony Fauci was its author. He did it to deflect attention from his own knowledge of the virus’s origins — and to discredit conservative truth-tellers.
We cannot change what happened in 2020 and 2021. What we can do is support Senator Rand Paul and other tough, principled leaders who will not follow the Establishment’s dictates.
Thank you for being part of our team and doing so much to help build a conservative Senate.