In 2023, the Left revealed itself to be more than an opponent of conservatives but an enemy of the very idea of America as we know it.
Our nation was founded on a rule of law of equal rights under a Constitution. The Left now rejects all three. On the border, in blue cities, and in elite circles, criminals are shielded from prosecution. Meanwhile, innocent men, women, and children are being prosecuted for just practicing their religion, raising their children, or speaking the truth.

Our nation was founded on democratic principles of popular sovereignty: here, the people rule. The Left is now engaged in an unprecedented criminal enterprise to bar Donald Trump from the presidential ballots in blue states — without any legal justification. Think about how far gone the woke Left has become: they literally no longer believe the people and the state should be allowed to choose the president.
The nation was founded on a free press, but the mainstream media is now a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of the Democratic Party. The nation was founded on economic freedom, but the largest corporations in the country — many in cahoots with the Chinese Communist Party — are now conspiring with the federal government against the American people.
Woke academics commit plagiarism and keep their jobs; conservative professors advocate free speech and are fired. Woke cities declare themselves “sanctuaries” for illegal immigrants, then attack red border states for sending the illegals there. The Chinese concocted a virus that killed millions and shut down the livelihoods of billions — but the Left insists the real villains are parents who wanted their kids to be able to go to school.
Think about the groups the Left now openly castigates, whose rights they are determined to strip away. It’s not just President Trump and other high-profile figures on the Right. It’s parents, children, Christians, Jews, and other religious believers. It’s cops. It’s gun owners. It’s people investing in crypto-currencies. It’s people who believe American foreign policy should serve America First. It’s people who own refrigerators for goodness sake!
They hate everyone who disagrees with them about anything and want to turn the vast majority of Americans into second-class citizens.
America is under attack, and the Left is taking no prisoners. They are openly advocating taking away Republicans’ voting rights, stacking the Supreme Court, erasing our borders, and abolishing the rule of law.
We know what the Left is going to do in 2024. They are telling us. The only question is, what is the Right going to do to stop them?
At Senate Conservatives Fund, we’re doing what we do best: identifying and supporting the best conservative candidates for the U.S. Senate.
So far in the 2024 cycle, we’ve endorsed three incumbent Senate warriors — Ted Cruz of Texas, Josh Hawley of Missouri, and Rick Scott of Florida — and one newcomer: Congressman Alex Mooney of West Virginia, running for the seat now held by retiring Democrat Joe Manchin.
It’s not that conservatives need these seats; America does.
If conservatives do not step up in 2024, recognize the stakes of this election, and finally take the fight to the Left, there may not be as much America left for us to defend in 2025.
This year, it’s not names or parties that are really on the ballots. It’s America itself — freedom, equal rights, human dignity. SCF is fighting for them, fighting to save them. But we need your help.
Please support SCF — and the very idea of America we’re fighting for — today.
Together, we can make 2024 the start of the American comeback.