Is Mitch McConnell secretly stabbing conservative senators in the back this November?
That’s the scoop under the shocking headline in The Hill: “Cruz and Scott, both McConnell critics, get cold shoulder amid tough races.”
Recent polls in Texas and Florida show incumbent Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rick Scott (R-FL) in neck-and-neck races against leftwing Democrat challengers. Both sides know control of the Senate hangs in the balance.
Yet, while McConnell’s money machine is pouring cash into some Senate races, it’s conspicuously ignoring these two key states.
Everyone knows why.
Ted Cruz and Rick Scott are conservatives and patriots, not leadership lapdogs. They fight for the American people and for the Constitution. They fight for freedom, which means they often challenge the Beltway Establishment.
Because Cruz and Scott are among the most effective senators, they always have targets on their backs. Make no mistake: Washington elites want them both gone — including McConnell and other Establishment Republicans.
So while Democrats pump millions into Texas and Florida, Washington Republicans are slow-walking their support — even as the races tighten.
With McConnell set to step down as the Republican Leader in November, it’s a fitting end to his era of failed leadership — one last betrayal on his way out the door.
Thankfully, grassroots patriots across the country are working to get conservatives the financial support they need to win.
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