Tell us if you’ve heard this one.
Democrats nominate a dishonest extremist.
Republicans nominate a bold, outspoken conservative.
The media conspires to cover up for the former and smear the latter.
Then voters see through the lies… and the Left freaks out.
You already know that’s the story of the 2024 presidential campaign. But did you know the same thing is happening in this year’s U.S. Senate race in Arizona?
Democrat Congressman Ruben Gallego is one of the angriest left-wing politicians in Washington. How liberal is Gallego? He supports abortion on demand, open borders, trans fanaticism, critical race theory, and every other crackpot woke idea on record. He was a member of the extremist Progressive Caucus — the club for people who think Nancy Pelosi isn’t radical enough!
Now, Gallego is trying to hide from his past. As usual, the media is helping him by running profiles about how he’s really a moderate, how he quit the Progressive Caucus, and how he talks up bipartisanship.
It’s all a scam. Gallego hasn’t changed. His voting record from the conservative Heritage Action this year, after his supposed shift to the center, is … 0%!
You know who else hasn’t changed? Kari Lake.
You know Kari as a principled, fighting truth-teller who is unafraid of the Left’s lies. She is the battle-tested conservative warrior with the guts and grit to put Arizona and America First again.
The shape of the race is now clear: Kari Lake is telling the truth, and Ruben Gallego is hiding from it.
And Arizonas are beginning to see it.
Media bias gave Gallego a huge advantage at the beginning of the race, but since May, polls show Kari has cut Gallego’s lead from 13 points … to 8 points … to 5 points … and now, to just 1 point!
This Arizona Senate race is officially a dead heat — and all the momentum was on Kari Lake’s side, even before Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance.
Now is the time for conservatives around the country to rally around Kari and give her the resources she needs to get the truth about Ruben Gallego through the media blockade and to reach out to Arizona voters.
Establishment Republicans and Woke Democrats are afraid of Kari. That’s why we love her, it’s why we endorsed her, and it’s why you should support her today.
Please rush an urgent contribution to Kari Lake’s campaign right now.
SCF will pay all processing fees and transfer 100% of your donation directly to her campaign. Donating to Kari Lake and other Senate candidates through SCF is the best way to help them save money and win!
Kari Lake’s fight against Ruben Gallego may be the election that decides control of the Senate and the success of President Trump’s second term. Let’s make sure this race isn’t close enough for the Left to steal it.
Thank you for being part of our team and for doing so much to help push Kari Lake and other conservatives on to victory.