About SCF

Senate Conservatives Fund is a grassroots organization that promotes conservative policies and helps elect conservative candidates to the U.S. Senate. Former Senator Jim DeMint founded SCF to help change Washington.

SCF is not funded by the Republican Party or special interests in Washington; we’re funded by tens of thousands of freedom-loving Americans across the nation.

Why Subscribe?

We provide our subscribers with the information and tools they need to elect the best candidates in the most competitive races.

Join our team, and you will receive the following:

  • Senate candidate endorsements

  • Insights on the key battleground Senate races

  • Updates on the latest Senate policy debates

We can defeat the liberals in both parties, but we need more Americans to join the battle to build a conservative Senate.

Please subscribe to our free newsletter today.

Our Standards

To earn our trusted seal of approval, candidates seeking our support must:

  • Have a proven record of fighting for conservative policies.

  • Show the courage to stand up to the liberals in their own Party.

  • Build strong grassroots support and run winning campaigns.

Our Strategy

SCF supports candidates by bundling contributions for their campaigns made by our large network of supporters across the nation. We pay all processing fees and fundraising costs so our candidates can spend more on voter contact.

Our super PAC, Senate Conservatives Action, promotes our candidates with independent advertising campaigns that include TV, radio, mail, and digital ads.


“Senate Conservatives Fund played a major role in helping me build grass-roots support for my campaign.” — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

“During the course of the campaign, we knew that the Senate Conservatives Fund had our backs.” — Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO)

“Without SCF, I would not be in the United States Senate.” — Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)

Subscribe to Senate Conservatives Fund

Electing conservatives to the U.S. Senate who will stand up to the liberals in both parties.


Electing conservatives to the U.S. Senate who will stand up to the liberals in both parties.